
Facts and Figures

1. Recorded alcohol consumption per capita 1960 - 2023

Alcoholconsumption 1960-2023 per capita 0+ and 15+, the Netherlands


Alcohol consumption Netherlands1960-2023 - version August 29, 2024 (85,3 kB)


2. Market shares alcohol sales

Market shares alcohol sales 2020

Sources: Brewers of Europe, CEEV, Statista, Retail Insiders.


3. Alcohol consumers, ex-drinkers and life time abstainers, 2023

  Alcohol consumers % Ex-drinkers % Life time abstainers %
Men 12+ 77.8 10.4 11.8
Women 12+ 69.4 14.9 15.7
Total 12+ population 73.6 12.7 13.8

Source: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

4. Alcohol use students age 12-16 secondary schools, 2003-2023

Alcohol use pupils 12-16


  2003 2007 2011 2015 2019 2023
Age 12 30.9 16.1 7.6 4.3 5.3 6.3
Age 13 43.0 27.1 17.9 9.2 9.6 9.5
Age 14 62.5 46.1 32.3 20.6 26.6 23.6
Age 15 70.8 67.9 58.7 41.8 42.3 35.3
Age 16 78.8 77.7 76.6 59.3 53.3 46.1
Total 12-16 57.1 47.2 37.8 25.5 26.2 22.0

Source: Trimbos-institute

5. Prevalence of heavy episodic drinking, 2023

Percentage of drinkers 12+ consuming at least 60 grams (males) or 40 grams (females) of pure alcohol one day per week, 2023

  Heavy drinkers among drinkers 12+
Men 10.5%
Women 10.3%
Total population 10.4%

Source: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

6. ER visits for alcohol intoxications, alcohol related accidents and violence, 2022

Age Intoxication Accidents/violence
< 18 1,100 700
18-24 1,400 4,800
25-54 2,000 10,600
55+ 500 7,800

Source: VeiligheidNL

7. Alcohol related deaths

Based on the data from the Global Burden of Disease Study, STAP calculated the share of 'high alcohol use' in 29 relevant causes of death. That shows that in 2021 an estimated 5,915 deaths were (partly) attributable to alcohol use.

Causes Deaths
Cancer 2,155
Heart and vascular diseases 1,717
Liver and pancreas (excl. liver cancer) 751
Alcohol use disorders 479
Suicide/murder 310
Accidents (traffic, fall, drowning, etc.) 289
Diabetes 131
Other 83
Total 5,915

Source: GBD Compare.

8. Correct compliance with the age limit

Distribution channels Correct compliance 2018 Correct compliance 2020 Correct compliance 2022 Correct compliance 2024
Liquor shops 73.3% 66.3% 71.0% 63.3%
Supermarkets 68.9% 58.1% 62.6% 58.9%
Night shops
34.7% 41.0% 46.9% 31.6%
Cafetarias 20.7% 29.8% 24.8% 23.0%
Sport canteens 20.2% 23.9% 28.8% 22.4%
Hospitality sector 17.5% 29.0% 23.7% 25.5%
Home delivery services 9.5% 12.4% 10.0% 20.2%
Total weighted average compliance, exclusive home delivery services 37.7% 38.0% 34.2% 32.9%

Source: Bureau Objectief

9. Policies and interventions

Written national policy National Prevention Agreement 2018
Excise tax on beer/wine/spirits Yes/Yes/Yes
National legal minimum age for off-premise sales of beer/wine/spirits 18/18/18
National legal minimum age for on-premise sales of beer/wine/spirits 18/18/18
Restrictions for on-/off-premise sales of alcoholic beverages - hours/days/places/density No/No/Yes/No
Restrictions for on-/off-premise sales of alcoholic beverages - specific events/intoxicated persons/petrol stations No/Yes/Yes
National maximum legal blood alcohol concentration when driving a verhicle - general/novice/professionals in % 0.05/0.02/0.05
Legally binding regulations on alcohol advertising/product placement No, except for tv and radio
Legally binding regulations on alcohol sponsorship/sales promotion No, except for tv and radio
/Yes, a retailer can not offer drinks for more than 25% off the price he normally charges
Legally required health warning labels on alcohol advertisements/containers No/No
National government support for community action Yes
National monitoring system(s) Yes
Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy STAP
P.O. Box 9769
3506 GT Utrecht
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)30-6565041
F: +31 (0)30-6565043